The problem is that the money is LEAVING the country - the only way to fix this is through the American people - if we keep sending more money overseas then there is less to spread around the US - doesn't anybody else see inflation coming?
We need to act now - if we buy American products owned by foreign investors - money is going overseas - if you buy from corporations and not local businesses - you are sending money out of your community - if you do not bank locally - you are hurting your local economy
If we do not change our habits the government is going to end up running every aspect of our lives - where is the freedom in that ?
Simply put - we are in trouble because our money is LEAVING the country because of the choices WE make on a daily basis. We are shooting ourselves in the foot and crippling our own economy.
I don't care what party you belong to - your leader's hands will be tied if this problem is not resolved - the answers are simple. I will spell it out again - long version - later today
Spread this message - we can take hold of this - I know the American people want to do this but do not know how - this can make this easy for them - balancing this is really quite simple if we can get the ear of the people.