Our country is at a crossroads - our decisions in the next few months could affect the outcome of our economic strength for decades. The answers being presented around the Internet are time consuming, inconvenient and quite frankly ineffective. The efforts are there - people do care and that is what I have been looking for. It has presented to me that America is without hope - doomed to an economic depression beyond all imagination. There will be riots in the streets and starving children. All this because Americans are selfish and lazy. They no longer have the spirit or drive to take action. They have become a mass of followers and prefer to point their fingers and whine. I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS.
Our country was founded by our forefathers setting aside their differences and working for a common good. They carried in their hearts an unwavering sense of patriotism, compassion and brotherhood. They established a foundation for freedom and equality like no other country had ever had before on earth. This fire burns in the hearts of all Americans - it is witnessed when a threat to our country fans the embers and reignites the flames of passion that Americans feel for their country. We are a country that does not give up - we fight for what is right - we are strong.
Our attentions are being diverted from real issues that will make a difference in our lives - as the donkeys and elephants continue to trample on democracy in Washington - we are watching and waiting for an outcome that will make little difference to us if we cannot change the public mindset of social and fiscal responsibility. The power of the government is only as strong as the people it represents. We define the government by our actions (not our words) They do not define us. We cannot wait until we are pushed to the brink of desperation before we take action. We cannot allow our situations to worsen while we wait on the red tape in Washington to unravel. The results of our combined actions will be bigger than any legislation passed in congress. I am talking about the effect it will have on our everyday lives - long term change - for the people - by the people.
Think this doesn't apply to you - think again. You may not be headed for unemployment or welfare but inflation will soon start eating into your stock pile of cash. If the government can't pay for our military - are you really going to feel that safe living in a country that cannot defend itself from terrorists? "United We Stand Divided We Fall" means a lot more than people realize.
Our country needs a renewed sense of hope and pride - we need a united productive direction to prove that we are still cut from the same moral fiber as the great patriots that founded this great country of ours. Our forefathers were asked to lay down their lives in the name of liberty and freedom and they did this without hesitation. What we can do for our country does not come with such a steep price but is just as important. Do not allow Lady Liberty to stumble and fall on our watch - let's prove that our generation of Americans can be as strong as the great generations of Americans before us.
Shop Local - Buy American - support your neighborhoods - quit listening to the negative banter about a dying cause - know where your money goes and keep it local if not in the country. Quit being a zombies and stay out of Walmart (70% Chinese products) Start your Christmas shopping now and go to local vendors to fill your orders - Do you realize the run off of American dollars at Christmas time - never to return - Is it possible to have an "American Made" Christmas? Our country cannot survive the flow of money out anymore - what is more important - that silly piece of plastic for little Susie - or a country for her to grow up in.
We take our country back - We are REAL people with REAL values and our children are not spoiled brats that have to have these chinese toys - we can live without the junk until an American company comes along and makes it for us to buy from our local vendor - the % of $ that stays in your community will amaze you if you all get onboard.
I will be putting out the community plans to get started soon - all this is free - I do not get paid - it comes from my heart and what I feel for my country and my community and my family. It is what we are all supposed to do for mankind - help without expectation of payment. There will also be ways for you to get involved by forwarding ideas to local businesses - and how you can start to modify your spending habits in small ways that will make a difference. I am here to answer questions - solve problems - and lend a hand. Everything that will be put forth in this "plan" has been thought out and easily adaptable to the busy working class American lifestyle. Ease and convenience are key to getting this to work and online ordering is good from some things, but not the answer to everything. I am getting all the info a patriot needs into one spot - and this is information that will change your communities - for free - I will not be selling anything.
Get ready for our country to move towards recovery - we will survive and thrive!
God Bless America
Average American
Amanda Schalau
If you are interested in helping save the American Economy - please spread
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