The purpose for this blog is education - we intend to educate the American public on how their everyday choices reflect on the economy, to shop responsibly, to poke fun at some of the extreme politicking going on, and above else we want to help our fellow man. We believe that most Americans do not realize the power they yield at the check out register and that if they had a bit of help understanding where their hard earned cash is going - they would make better choices. Responsible spending will bring with it - a lower deficit, more money in your community, more jobs, better jobs, better education, higher home values, less crime, etc... All of these things are happening in India right now - they have a growing middle class as the American middle class shrinks. I wonder if that has something to do with all the jobs our American Big Biz have moved there to avoid our governments regulations? hmmmm
If you have made it this far through the blog and you are yawning right now then apparently you fail to understand how this is going to affect you. So your job is safe - you are indespensible - you have it made - right? Wrong! Think again - the next time you pull out in your BMW I want you to take a look around at your neighborhood. How secure is it going to be as the middle class disappears and your fellow citizens begin to turn to crime? Look at the public parks - how long will the money last before funding is cut to support those little luxuries in life - feeding straving families surely will override cutting the grass. What abouit all those lovely little independently owned businesses that line the streets of your hometown - will they still be there after these big box chain stores plopped down in the middle of town and are given all these tax breaks resulting in the little guy not being able to compete. Now that middle class American citizens are becoming lower class Americans - has anyone thought about their tax dollars shrinking as well? You can't get blood from a turnip you know. So where will these new tax dollars come from - YOU - the future over taxed citizens - because remember - you still have your job - the government still has to get paid - big biz is protecting itself by running over the border.
So before you roll your eyes and say it doesn't apply to you - Think Again - spread the message - we are going to continue ongoing education about the money trail. We are not selling anything - but like you, We will benefit from having a better America and it can happen quicker and have more impact if we do it ourselves instead of waiting on Washington to cut through all the red tape!
Amanda Schalau
Average American
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