Friday, June 3, 2011

Big Biz Runs for the Border

        The purpose for this blog is education - we intend to educate the American public on how their everyday choices reflect on the economy, to shop responsibly, to poke fun at some of the extreme politicking going on, and above else we want to help our fellow man.  We believe that most Americans do not realize the power they yield at the check out register and that if they had a bit of help understanding where their hard earned cash is going - they would make better choices. Responsible spending will bring with it - a lower deficit, more money in your community, more jobs, better jobs, better education, higher home values, less crime, etc...  All of these things are happening in India right now - they have a growing middle class as the American middle class shrinks.  I wonder if that has something to do with all the jobs our American Big Biz have moved there to avoid our governments regulations? hmmmm
     If you have made it this far through the blog and you are yawning right now then apparently you fail to understand how this is going to affect you. So your job is safe - you are indespensible - you have it made - right?  Wrong!  Think again - the next time you pull out in your BMW I want you to take a look around at your neighborhood. How secure is it going to be as the middle class disappears and your fellow citizens begin to turn to crime? Look at the public parks - how long will the money last before funding is cut to support those little luxuries in life - feeding straving families surely will override cutting the grass. What abouit all those lovely little independently owned businesses that line the streets of your hometown - will they still be there after these big box chain stores plopped down in the middle of town and are given all these tax breaks resulting in the little guy not being able to compete. Now that middle class American citizens are becoming lower class Americans - has anyone thought about their tax dollars shrinking as well? You can't get blood from a turnip you know. So where will these new tax dollars come from - YOU - the future over taxed citizens - because remember - you still have your job - the government still has to get paid - big biz is protecting itself by running over the border. 
     So before you roll your eyes and say it doesn't apply to you - Think Again - spread the message - we are going to continue ongoing education about the money trail. We are not selling anything - but like you, We will benefit from having a better America and it can happen quicker and have more impact if we do it ourselves instead of waiting on Washington to cut through all the red tape!
Amanda Schalau
Average American

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Beer and Hair - How It Begins

   Beer - Before the first European stepped foot onto this great country of ours, the Native American Indians were brewing up batches of beer made from what the land had to offer - corn, water, birch sap, as well as a variety of other things. As the early colonials began to populate the land, different styles of brewing developed and beer quickly became a mainstay in the American diet as opposed to wine like in many other countries. By the time prohibition came along there were thousands of microbreweries spread across the land offering up different styles and taste as varied as the location and craftsmen they were coming from. It was an art form as well as an inexpensive refreshing treat for the working class.  You could tell where you were by the beer in your mug.    When the 18th amendment outlawed the production, consumption and sale of beer, thousands of these micro breweries closed their doors and part of our American culture was lost forever. When prohibition ended 13 years later, the larger breweries bounced back and they are responsible for the production of the majority of the beer produced in America today.
   Prohibition brought with it organized crime, prisons filled to capacity, unemployment, and a loss of legitimate taxes. All this because the government wanted to legsilate our morality. So the government made a mistake - how does this affect you now? It has been almost 100 years and we are still feeling the ripple of prohibition. 
   We lost thousands of small businesses that shaped our country and those businesses were replaced by the larger beer companies that mass produce a lower quality product. Most of these large beer companies are not even American owned - yes they are still produced in America and provide jobs for Americans - however - the bottom line is where is the money going at the end of the day - the money is being tapped out of our economy like beer from a keg.
   As I looked at the history of beer and saw how far it had come through the years, I did note that one of the only good things that came out of the self indulgent 1980's was an interest in micro brewed beer again. Those microbreweries have grown and now offer us a choice between the 100% American beer or the "We make it here" beer that is so widely consumed today.
   And of course - as I pondered the 1980's, I thought back to my preteen years and how I was determined to have the biggest perm in school. This had me thinking of the beauty salon and how the beauty shop and barber shop employees were truly our first form of social media. I am sure that any beauty salon worth it's weight could spread any news quicker thn facebook and twitter combined.
  So my goal today was to start a discussion at the beauty shop about buying a 100% American beer instead of the regular cans of blah.  We decided that if enough people started buying the 100% American beer that it would be good for the economy as well as for a spice of flavor in our lives - but would the husbands go for this - hmmmmm. That is a whole different question - is their patriotism stronger than their desire for the mundane and bland cans of comfort they have clung to since their teenage years? Do they even realize that part of their hard earned American cash is heading overseas with every ice cold sip? Would they be willing to and be proud to sport an ice chest full of American pride to this weekend's ballgame?
We will cross our fingers and hope - God Bless America
Amanda Schalau
Average American  ;-)

ALocalWay America on Facebook

  We have a page on Facebook - ALocalWay America - I will be posting my blogs there for a while - and putting the webpage up - I think I replied to too many mentions - I am not real sure - but I will not be discouraged in my efforts to get the economy back on track so moving forward - please spread the word to any of my tweet followers so that they may have a way to find me!   I used the same picture so I will be easy to find!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Saving America is More Than A One Man Job

    I was tweeting the other day and ranting about the economy and how people should shop local and buy made in America products - when I got a reply from @NiceGent - his site promotes US made products. Go to it and click the link for a listing of where to find a variety of thing made in the USA.  Anyway - back to my point - he used the word "we" all have to do our part. I have been going about this project head strong that I was going to get this done. I, I, I - me, me, me. 
   How dare I look at this in that way - I did not come up with the concept of "buy Local" nor did I think up "Buy American" - what made me think that I could turn a nation's thinking around all by myself? Was I so arrogant that I thought I could do this single handily? Seriously - I was in for a reality check - people have been working for years to get this message out - why do Americans like myself and @NiceGent among countless others continue to have to remind fellow Americans WHY they should be more aware of where their money is going and how this is going to help their communities as well as their country survive?  What is it that we are doing wrong trying to get the message across and how can I make a difference in this large group of people with the same goals?
   What talents that have been given to me by God will further the cause? How can I make a difference doing the same thing that so many other are doing? Should I give up? Is this a lost cause? The answer of course is NO.
    The reason there are so many people trying to do this is because it is important. I was given the gift of gab by our dear Lord and I intend to use that talent to the fullest - I have also been blessed with common sense. My desire to see this thing through to the bitter end is fueled by human loss - a powerful incentive to say the least.  I have the ability to organize reasonable efforts that can be implemented immediately.  And the last thing I can bring to the table - I was in insurance marketing for 15 years - I was a head hunter of sorts - I can link up individuals and organizations that will benefit each other. I am not a threat because I sell nothing and I am doing this with pure intentions.
   So moving forward in America's quest to fix the economy - I will be finding better ways to utilize my talents - not just begging the American public to Shop Local and Buy American. If I intend to make a splash in this cause - I will have to start helping the others that already have begun this monumental task of spreading awareness. The impact of my work will not be seen in the number of my followers - but in the added success of those who are supporting the cause by offering American products. I am here at their service and the American public's to help make our country a better place.
Amanda Schalau
Average American
The next blog will be on How YOU can help in small ways!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Have Big Business & the Government Turned it's Back on Us?

   I grow tired of the red tape and the excuses that are being presented to me about why "Buy American" cannot and should not work. The truth of the matter is that people who say it should not be done are the big businesses that have found a less expensive and more efficient way to operate. Yes these companies have sold out their fellow Americans for a few bucks. They decided that the bottom line was more important - what they have failed to realize is that their customer base is going broke. They start peddling their services and products overseas and then they are okay again but we are left holding nothing but a pink slip. These companies that have supported American familes for years - that built their wealth off of our population have turned their backs on us. - and why?  Because the USA government imposes stricter labor laws and environmental standards than the third world countries do.
  What does this mean to you - do you think you matter to that big business or to any of those political parties now? You don't - The political parties are going to follow the money trail - the businesses just threw you away.  The political parties are going to cater to big business to keep their bankroll.
  The only thing you have left is your fellow Americans left out to fend for themselves. All is not lost - we can band together and take back our country with simply beginning to buy American made products - demand that is the way it has to be = teach your children - or the greed that has consumed our leaders will rear it's ugly head for generations to come
  We are becoming a nation of very rich and very poor - there will be no middle class - I refuse to watch this happen to my great country when all we have to do is buy American.
Think about it - let's take America back. One purchase at a time.
Amanda Schalau
Average American