Someone said to me - "Our country has it's up and downs, we will bounce back, we always do" and that got me to thinking. Times are different now - people cannot really believe that this is a passing phase and everything will be fine in a couple of years after we get a new crop of politicians in office.
If you look back at all the times when the USA was suffering from a failing economy - people have to see that we were a different country then - a different group of citizens with different skillsets. The 1920's and 30's for instance - people farmed back then. When the economy took a turn for the worse - people still could eat and survive.
Our country started out as an agricultural oriented country, then it moved to a manufacturing oriented country, and now we sit at being a service oriented country. And those service jobs are being outsourced overseas because it is cheaper to do business that way.
America sits now with no real manufacturing base to fall back on. The reason behind that would be the trade deficit - put in plain terms - EVERYTIME WE IMPORT IN GOODS - WE EXPORT JOBS OUT. We bring in alot more than we send out (unless you are talking about $$$).
The way I see it is that either we as a people bond together and start buy American products only - or get ready to plow the fields because we middle and lower class citizens are on our way to growing our on personal food. The government will not be able to keep us all on food stamps and if they do not change the way they handle the import export trade - they may have a revolution on their hands.
We have got to spread the word to everyone the importance of buying American made products before we fall so far back that we are unable to recover.
Remember the average American is the one who counts and the ones making our choices have no idea what it is like to be an average American. The policies that have been put into place make things harder to operate businesses in our own country - and have made it easier for foreign countries to get their goods in here at lower costs.
Unemployment to the ones making the laws is just a number - to the middle and lower class - it means whether or not the kids are going to eat, it also means whether or not the other desperate unemployed citizens are going to turn to crime to survive.
The only ones who can stop the downward spiral is us. We have to care about our futures and not be drawn in by lower priced foreign items and begin demanding all our necessities be met with American products. They have made it to where I cannot survive in this world without being forced to use something that is made overseas or deal with an operator that is based in India.
That was your Tuesday morning rant - I think I am on day 14 - it's all running together now
I am still working hard on organizing this "movement" or "cause" or whatever you want to call it - It started as a summer project for Lauren - but it is taking a life of it's own.
Please keep up with this blog - follow us and be ready to take action with us. All we are asking is that you help draw the line and say NO to throwing away our country's wealth so that we can bring back the JOBS and support our own people first.
Always Sincere - Amanda Schalau
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