I know that I have been focusing most of my blogs about manufacturing jobs being lost to overseas, but people need to understand it's no longer only manufacturing jobs that are moving overseas. Technology today has made it easier for most all types of jobs to be located almost anywhere. This means that thousands of software development and call-center jobs that used to be located in the USA have outsourced their business overseas. So our service based economy is suffering and beginning to collapse. Many economists would have us believe that globalization benefits Americans by lowering prices on goods and services. You can pretty much get an everyday low price on anything these days at your local super centers that make it impossible for the local small businesses to compete. The economists say that this allows these BIG businesses to use the money they save from outsourcing to create other higher-skilled, better-paying jobs in the United States. But if they are outsourcing the manufacturing and NOW outsourcing the service parts of their companies - HOW exactly are we benefiting again? ;In the same breath, they say, 'the countries gaining jobs benefit from stronger economic growth and greater stability'. So isn't that the answer to our country's problems right now?
If the answer to a stronger economy and more stability lies in having more jobs - manufacturing and service oriented alike - then why again do we allow things to get outsourced overseas? If we have no jobs how are we going to buy all these discounted goods from overseas? If we had jobs - couldn't we just pay a few cents more for the American made products?
And why did we pass the Buy American Act if BIG companies get to apply for waivers and not follow it at all. Obama said last year in Feb or May I believe that we had to increase our exports to balance the import/export trade - Why can't we just start making our own things here in the USA?
The answer is so obvious - the security and economic health of our country depends on us demanding American made products - and our government needs to make it easier for this to happen. But we have got to do our part too - BUY American - from a local business - keep your money in your local community.
That was your Wednesday Rant
I have a plan - stay tuned!
Sincerely, Amanda Schalau
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