Someone remarked to me that the jobs we send overseas helps with the development of third world countries - Do people seriously believe that? How does it help a 3rd world country to have it's citizens work in sweat shops for next to nothing pay and produce a bunch of substandard T-shirts that say The Gap or some knock off Prada purse? Shouldn't those countries be encouraged to develope their own culture to offer the world. All these big businesses are doing is suffocating these countries and making it impossible for them to rise up and shine on their own. I care about the world as well as the USA - and I do not want it to become one big outlet mall.
Besides that - I don't know what towers these people are living in - but the USA needs some development of it's own. How are we expected to continue supporting the world and all these causes if we are not strong at home. Why is it so hard to open people's eyes to the problems right in front of their faces here in America - but these same people are quick to throw the third world countries in your face as they drive off in their BMW's filled with foreign gas.
Here's a thought - let's say we get attacked, nuked, or whatever - and go to war - Could we stand alone? How dependant are we on the rest of the world for our needs? Could we feed ourselves? Could we manufacture what we needed to go to war? Could we support our military? Could we even defend ourselves? The answer is NO the only way out of this mess is to rebuild American manufacturing NOW - bring the jobs back home - quit giving oil contracts to foreign countries so they can rebuild when we need it just as bad at HOME - before we are so quick to help the rest of the world we need to take care of ourselves.
Being a mother - after my husband passed - after starving myself for weeks - I was told "You Have To Take Care of Yourself if You Expect to Take Care of Your Children - Your Children Need You"
America is OUR Mother and we are her Children and she needs to be strong and healthy if we expect her to take care of us as well as the rest of the world.
Monday morning Rant -
Amanda Schalau
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