Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Burning the Flag is Like Dishonoring a Grave

  This is for all you bra burning, tree hugging, bike riding, flag burning, self absorbed holier than thou peace loving hippie types. I consider myself open-minded and can look at any situation objectively. I use my BRAIN when a situation arises. It is okay whatever your political views are to be angered - if someone tried to burn a flag during all the 9/11 aftermath - then that guy would be hated as much as Bin Laden - think about it.
   If we let someone burn our Flag - a symbol for the blood shed for our freedoms, Our Flag that our forefathers died for.  Something that represents the greatest sacrifices ever made for us - What next?

   These attention seeking radicals are doing nothing more than trying to garnish the attention of a wounded nation. A nation that has been brought to her kness by the economy thanks to Washington continuing to sell her off piece by piece - Hell - sometimes the only thing I have left as a symbol to look up to is Old Glory herself - and even most of our Flags say made in China.
   I have a unique perspective on flags and what they symbolize because my husband, who past away, His grandfather was Gov Heard of the great state of Louisiana - and he choose our flag. It features a Brown pelican with her baby pelicans lined up in her nest. And do you know why he choose this bird to represent our state? It is because the brown pelican is one of the only animals that will literally tear off it's own flesh to feed it's young to keep them from starving. It is a promise to it's state citizens that Louisiana will take care of her own at all cost.
  Old Glory = the red, white, and blue  Red = Hardiness and VALOR, bravery - Blood shed to protect our freedom  White= purity, peace, honesty, and innocence   Blue= Vigilance and perserverance
   I was told today - get over it - it is just a flag - not a human life - it's their right
  When I see someone burn a flag - it represents hundreds of thousands of lives that gave themselves for my freedom - I do not see how burning a flag is any different than allowing those people to stroll up into Arlington National Cemetery and taking a dump on the graves of our fallen soldiers. (By the way - my grandfather is buried there as well as my grandmother - He was a war hero - helped seperate the Army from the Airforce - was a POW - and worked in the White House for a bit.  He died from visiting a polio camp set up after the war to help comfort the sick. He was a GOOD man)
    The lack of RESPECT shown these days towards our history is exactly why our country is beginning to falter.
Freedom of speech goes both ways so watch out  -  I am open and I listen and want people to express themselves - but if you want to express your freedom - become a nudist - it's less offensive to have to stare at your hairy a$$ than it is to see you burn MY country's flag.
PS  All countries should take pride in their history and culture and not tolerate such irreverent behavoir -
Build the world up - do not tear it down
My Wednesday night rant - Amanda Schalau

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