Sunday, May 15, 2011

30 Days to a Better America - Starts in A Week

                Our project kicks off in about a week with 30 days to a better America - : ).

We know that our bad habits have developed over time so we are going to address each little bad habit one at a time.  And hopefully develope good ones along the way. The only thing we need from YOU is a commitment to make a mentle note to try. The things we have decided to commit to will work in any neighborhood anywhere in the world so it will also benefit my non-American readers to practice some of what we are preaching. We don't just want a better America - We want a better world - so let's try to spread a bit of positive energy.
                 Step one - Commit yourself to making small changes in your everyday activities that if become a regular habit will change your community foor the better.
                 We will be listing the 30 "habits or changes" one by one over the summer - we will list the change and how it helps. Be a part of a good thing!
Amanda Schalau

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