Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Future Americans - to the younger crowd : )

   Younger readers then to have a shorter attention span so I will make this short -
1. Seek out local business owners or vendors
2. Read where products are made BEFORE you purchase
3. Remind those around you that their actions will affect your future ability to get a job
4. You may not realize it now - but America is the greatest country on earth for opportunity - we need to keep it that way
5. If my generation cannot start this change your generation is going to have to pay for our mistakes

  Please spread our cause and keep up with the project - but most of all - BUY LOCAL AMERICAN PRODUCTS - it will bring jobs back into our country and make lives better
  Remember - we cannot blame Washington for our own actions  and our actions will speak louder than any protest - : )
PS   Stay in school!  and be good to your community!
Sincerely - Mrs Amanda

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